Spoiler Alert!

The television reviews below feature details of episodes that have already aired on television, as well as speculation and predictions for future episodes. Any spoiler material for future shows will be clearly labeled.

Monday, November 26, 2007

grey's anatomy: Uh Oh Lexie

Thanksgiving Thursday's Grey's Anatomy episode, "Crash Into Me Part One" ended with what you had to know was going to happen from the start of the episode: Lexie's patient (played by Seth Green) blew his carotid artery, spewing blood all over the room. . .and Lexie. Despite the predictability of that happening, I'm looking forward to an intern having to solve a major medical crisis again. I know our original interns are now residents, but it seems like they never let their own interns do anything. The show was always about them learning medicine the hard way.

Elsewhere in the episode, "Ava" showed up again at Seattle Grace and convinced Alex to sneak her into the gallery to watch him operate. I'm really starting to wonder what's going on with her character--she seems to just randomly show up (by herself too. . .why is she leaving her baby?) and disappear. I like Ava and Alex together, but she either needs to be a part of the show or she doesn't. Of course, her appearance tonight signaled the start of a strife between Lexie and Alex, who have their own blossoming relationship of some sort.

We also got our first glimpse at Bailey's struggling home life, which has been hinted in previous episodes. I'm sure we;'ll learn more soon, but her husband seems on the verge of calling it quits as a stay-at-home dad. I'm glad that the show is finally giving us some Bailey outside of the hospital--we get enough of the personal drama with the other doctors; she deserves some too.

Those were the story lines that interested me the most. Meredith and the Chief's efforts to save the ambulance victims, as well as Cristina and Bailey's run-in with a white supremacist, didn't really interest me too much tonight. Now we have to wait two weeks for part two of this story. . .nothing like a bloody cliffhanger to keep you on the edge of your seat.

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