Spoiler Alert!

The television reviews below feature details of episodes that have already aired on television, as well as speculation and predictions for future episodes. Any spoiler material for future shows will be clearly labeled.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

how i met your mother: And a Slappy Thanksgiving to You!

On Monday's episode of How I Met Your Mother, Lily and Marshall hosted Thanksgiving at their new home for the first time, Marshall kept Barney on his toes with the promise of a slap bet fulfillment, Robin dated on older guy and Ted learned how to be friends with his ex.

Things I loved from this episode:
  • Robin celebrating Canadian Thanksgiving, aka "Real Thanksgiving." As a lover of all things Canadian, I love it when they throw a little bit into the show--and I learned a little bit about the Canadian version of the holiday!
  • Hip Bob, Robin's date. Since we see the show through Ted's memories, grandfatherly Bob played the part of the young 41-year-old he actually was. So much funnier than if we had seen an actual hunky older guy!
  • Countdown to slap bet. Remember a few episodes ago when we saw Marshall taunt Barney with his Web site, counting down the seconds to his next slap? Well, the countdown led us to 3:01 p.m. Thanksgiving Day. Lily temporarily put an end to Slapsgiving, but gave Marshall slapping permission with a couple seconds to go to catch Barney off guard and end the episode with a Slapsgiving carol.

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